Unconditional love

Unconditional love – a lesson

J and I travelled to a large place, not sure if it was some sort of institution or a hotel or what. Our room was on the first floor. There was far more to the dream, but I’m only relating the parts that stand out clearly (in other words, the parts I remember).

I remember going up the stairs to our room but someone had flooded the bathroom and water was lying a couple of inches deep and running down the stairs. I went up anyway. I needed to fetch some photos in our room. I went back down. On the way, I asked Alison (her name) who looked like a newly discovered friend from high school, Gizelle if there wasn’t another staircase I could use and explained the flooding. She reluctantly showed me the staff staircase.

I went into the main room or hall… it seemed to be like a large hospital ward… very white everywhere. I went to an old man. It was Jim, but didn’t look like him. He was very thin, frail and didn’t know me. I remember saying to him, “Have a look at these photos. I know you’ll love them!” He responded with a “Ahh, Ben (I think that was the name… can’t remember… he has no son by that name anyway), I’m so proud of him. He went to university, you know!”

Normally, this would have had me feeling very jealous and insecure and unloved, but in my dream, I just had this overwhelming sense of love regardless of the fact that he didn’t seem to know me and could only think of this other son. I replied that I’d love to hear about him.

That feeling hasn’t left me all day. I kept wondering what the dream was telling me or trying to teach me. It isn’t the first time that Jim has appeared in my dreams teaching me something valuable. I think this time I had to learn about perfect love… to love without recognition or accolades. To be secure enough in myself that I don’t need to be acknowledged, then I can just give love without expectations. This isn’t a love just for those close to me, I think… it’s a general love. I don’t know… I’m still trying to sort through the lessons in the dream.


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