Tag Archives: tree

Oh Tannenbaum, Oh Tannenbaum…

I was all set to ignore the fact that Christmas was once again pounding the doors of civilization down, but then it got the battering ram out, crashed through our defences and invaded our carefully preserved un-Christmas.

In short, our host gifted us with a real live (or was live until recently anyway) Christmas tree. Now I don’t, for a start, do ‘live’ trees. My experience being that they don’t stay live for very long and end up being vacuum cleaner fodder. Aside from that, I definitely prefer seeing the trees ‘out there’ than in my lounge. Actually, for the past few years, I’ve been going to great lengths not to have a society-approved traditional tree anyway. Who the heck put those spikes on those branches??? I feel like I’ve just had 3 rounds in the ring with a porcupine!

xmastree Requesting humble forgiveness for the poor quality of the photo.The flash destroyed the look, but without the flash… eternal dark.

There now… festive look is done ‘n dusted… I have a pot of ham hocks on the stove that I’ll no doubt find a way to serve up for dinner and the fire is lit. I hope it stays lit. Yesterday’s fire did very nicely until late. A repeat performance would be a real treat.


Posted by on December 15, 2012 in christmas, xmas


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Good morning sunshine

paulista trees
The little girl climbs the stairs, her dark curls spilling from under the hood of her jacket, her fluffy teddy clutched up to her chubby little cheek. Memories gripped my heart… and squeezed.

In the park, the sun’s first rays filter through the trees and mist, lightly warming my shoulders. I greet the trees and smile at the fragrant blossoms, their heady scent obliterating the smell of the nearby road. The two old blue gums stand like sentinals on my path. The sun radiates off their white trunks turning them into majestic pillars of light in the cool dark of the park.

The old man comes along and has his usual cheerful unintelligible conversation with me. I nod, smile, agree and eventually he moves on to the fallen tree to do his morning stretches.

A bird flies down among the filtered rays of the sun. I feel as though I’ve received some sort of sacred blessing. Someone stops to take a photo. I’m not in the least surprised.

Time to go, to start my day ~ renewed, refreshed at the end of the week.


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Posted by on May 7, 2010 in inspiration


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The leaning tree

Leaning tree

yet strong

Needing support,
yet giving wisdom

yet giving life

yet giving peace

On Friday mornings I teach at a renowned bank. Next to the bank is a little park with some old trees, perhaps not ancient, but old enough to have seen a thing or two of this life. I like to get to my student early, so that I can sit for a few minutes just drinking in the peace and coolness of the park. The very air feels and smells different in there. It’s quite with just a few folk walking with their partners, their dogs, or just enjoying the place alone the way I do. I walk up to the old tree and touch it just to feel the peaceful energy. It seems to tell me to relax and breathe. I see the tiny shoot growing out of its thick trunk. There is always hope.

I leave the park renewed, ready for another day where little can get me down.

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Posted by on April 25, 2010 in inspiration, poetry


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